Tips for 2021 New Year Celebration.

New Year is a favorite holiday for many people. Everyone is waiting for a miracle and sincerely believes in New Year’s magic. 

To make dreams and wishes come true, here are tips for the New Year 2021 celebration:

2021 Year of the Metal Ox

The symbol of the coming 2021 year is the Metal Ox. It symbolizes perseverance, stubbornness and energy. The Metal Ox has many respects for hardworking people and is going to be a year when work will get rewarded. He will support those who are not afraid to take action and are not afraid of obstacles. But the Metal Ox will not patronize the dreamers.

Don’t miss your fortunate chances in 2021. If a sudden opportunity arises, there is no need to hesitate and must act quickly. This is an opportune time for transforming beginnings into significant success. It is good to plan any training for learning new skills that will help for development and career growth. This will be a profitable investment in your future.

The year will turn out to be favorable for financial action, creative development and for changing the type of activity. Unpleasant surprises should not be expected. The Metal Ox is full of health, strength and firmly stands for friendship and family feelings.

This year is going to be lucky and also perfect to focus on relationships, friendships or love. 

Astrologers recommend that it is better to make large purchases in the first quarter of next year, also as in June, July, August, September and November. And they do not recommend getting married in February and May.

Decorating a house

Decorating a house and a Christmas tree is always an exciting and a beautiful tradition.

What kind of decorations we should use to please the Ox: 

  •  In order not to anger the Metal Ox, it is better not to use red colors.
  • The Christmas tree should be decorated with decorations of white and silver colors.
  • The colors of 2021 are going to be white, silver, gray and beige. 
  • Coins on the tree will delight the Metal Ox. 
  • The Metal Ox likes natural materials, so put it under the Christmas tree and decorate the house with wooden and the metal objects.  
  • The top of the tree should not rest against the ceiling, because this is where positive energy accumulates and flows of energy should pass through it. 
Festive table

The Metal Ox loves eating. When composing the menu for the New Year’s dinner pay attention to the preferences of the Ox: 

Not recommended to serve: 

  • Beef, veal or sausage 

Dishes that can be served at the table:

  • Poultry, pork, rabbit or lamb 
  • Fish dishes
  • Potatoes – must-have dishes 
  • Various salads of eggs, mushrooms, cheese, vegetables and herbs
  •  Plate with pickles
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables 
  • Homemade lemonades and natural juices
  • The main decoration of the table should be a big beautiful cake and many sweets
  • And of course, champagne, because it is impossible to imagine the New Year without champagne. 

Table decoration tips:

  • White or light color tablecloths and plates are good choices.
  • Glasses can be decorated with silver ribbons.
  • Arrange candles in metal candlesticks.
  • You should place an Ox figure on the table and put large apples and cones around it. 
Festive outfit 
  • The Metal Ox cherish modesty, and a festive outfit should be simple and elegant.  
  • Clothes should not be too expensive and give more preference to natural fabrics. 
  • Metal Ox doesn’t enjoy the red color, so better to refuse to wear it, but pale pink or pale burgundy is allowed.  
  • In 2021, better to give preference to light and calm shades. The primary colors of New Year’s outfits will be: white, all shades of gray (from black to light pastels); silver, gold; beige, champagne, ivory.  
  • Jewelry made of silver, gold or platinum is suitable, but too expensive jewelry is better not to use. Jewelry with the natural stones would be ideal. Cheap jewelry made of unknown materials; this night is not recommended. 
  • Preference New Year’s makeup should be beige or silver tones. 
  • Men can wear a white shirt with trousers or jeans. The ideal option would be black or gray pants and a light shirt. A light silver suit is perfect for conservative men. 

Gifts for the New Year should be useful and interesting. It can be something from technology, dishes, bedding, vases, perfume or jewelry. A certificate for a beauty salon, the master class or any other gift cards would will be a perfect present. 
In the Year of the Metal Ox, sweets should be included to the gifts. 

Now you all set for New Year celebration and you only need a festive mood and a warm and cozy atmosphere. And remember : “The way you ring in the New Year, will reflect how your year will transpire.” 

Happy New Year !

Boxing Day

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